Personal Reflection

A Grateful Life

What is the secret to a fulfilling life? Having gratitude and a thankful heart. Gratitude literally can change your life.

Sounds so simple doesn’t it? But it is the quickest, easiest, and most powerful way to effect change in your life.  

Science has taken an interest in this topic and has found out that being grateful gives a person:

  • More positive emotions
  • Ability to feel more alive
  • Better sleep
  • More compassion and kindness
  • Stronger immune systems
  • Capability to foster stronger relationships

Research by UC Davis psychologist Robert Emmons, author of Thanks!: How the New Science of Gratitude Can Make You Happier, shows that simply keeping a gratitude journal—regularly writing brief reflections on moments for which we’re thankful—can significantly increase well-being and life satisfaction.

In stressful times, as we are in now, practicing gratitude can be a stabilizer because we are concentrating on the good in our life and not the bad. It can widen our perspective and help with our health and well-being.

Our society says to BUY MORE. If you focus on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.

But when you are grateful for what you have, you’ll find you have plenty.

The purpose of this blog is the walk you down the pathway to order in our lives. I can’t think of a better use of this platform than to share how vital being grateful is for your life. You will be rewarded with the fullness of your life!


Begin each day by looking out the window and saying, “Thank you God for another day!” no matter what the weather is. Be thankful you have a roof over your head; food to eat; electricity and running water. Be thankful for small things as a cup of good, hot coffee; time to read a book; a walk through the fall trees; seeing the smile of your child or grandchild.

Be thankful you have good health and even if not, ability to still be alive. Be thankful for the relationships in your life because our relationships with others are one of the top determinants of our happiness. Focus your gratitude on people, rather than circumstances or material items, which will enhance the benefits we experience. Remember, when you focus on the goodness of life, you will create more of it.

Our world is in chaos right now. But I genuinely believe gratitude can transform any situation.

Manna from Heaven

…Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody with your heart to the Lord; always giving thanks for all things in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ to God, even the Father.  Ephesians 5:18-20 NASB

Perhaps that is why Paul makes sure to mention giving thanks in many of his letters. We should be faithful to express thanksgiving aloud. And as the words come off our tongues, what they express becomes real to us in a fresh way. When we remind others about the faithfulness of God, we also remind ourselves and are enabled to trust Him more fully.